UAE Dyslexia
For A Better Education

Dr. Rima Aboudan

SACS Approved Dyslexia Guild Assessment Practicing Certificate in the Clinical Psychology of Children and Young People, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Certificate in the Clinical Psychology of Children and
Young People, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Advanced Certificate in Supporting children with difficulties in
reading and writing, University of London, UK (Distinction)
Advanced Diploma in the Diagnosis and Intervention
of Dyslexia and Similar Learning DifficultiesDirect Learning,
Dyslexia Action, UK
Consultancy Collaboration
College of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University
Professor Milos Ljubisavljevic – Professor of Physiology
Professor Safa Shehab – Professor of Neuro-anatomy and Neuroscience
College of Education, United Arab Emirates University
Dr Abdurrahman Almekhlafi – Associate Professor of Educational
تُعنى دسلكسيا للإستشارات التعليمية وتأهيل عسر قراءة (ديكر) بإدارة الدكتورة ريما أبودان، الحاصلة على درجة الدكتوراه من جامعة شيفيلد، ودبلوم وماجستير من جامعة أدنبره في المملكة المتحدة البريطانية بمساعدة الأشخاص المعانين من عسر قراءة للتغلب على صعوبات التعلم.
الدكتورة ريما أبودان معالجة ومدربّة معتمدة ومرخّصة من "التعليم المباشر"، المملكة المتحدة البريطانية في معالجة "عسر القراءة وصعوبات التعلم" ، و من وزاة التعليم العالي في الامارات العربية المتحدة ؛ وتهتم الدكتورة ريما أبودان اهتماما كبيرا بالدراسات اللغوية المكرّسة لدراسة عسر قراءة وصعوبات التعلم ومظاهرهما في اللغتين العربية والإنكليزية؛ وبما أن الدكتورة ريما أبودان عضو في الرابطة الدولية لعسر قراءة وعضو في مجلس التحريرلكثير من المجلات البحثية الدولية
مثل مجلة غلوسا ، والمجلة الدولية لتعليم اللغة الإنكليزية
English LanguageTeaching
، المجلة الدولية للعلوم The International Journal of Arts and Sciences ، مجلة اللغويات التطبيقية العالمية ESP World والمجلة الدولية لعلم اللغة الإنجليزية International Journal of English Linguistics ؛ ولتعدد المنشورات العلمية للدكتورة أبودان في المجلات المرجعية الدولية بما في ذلك مجلة "سيميوتيكا " Semiotica ، والمجلة المرجعية التطبيقية الدولية للتعليم Education for General Practice ومجلة القيادة الأكاديمية وآخرون. وقد اشتركت الدكتورة أبودان بتقديم نتائج بحوثها العلمية في المؤتمرات الدولية في جامعة هارفارد وجامعات لندن ونيويورك، وجامعة سانتا باربارا في أمريكا، وفي جامعات النمسا وألمانيا وتركيا.
وتمييزت الدكتورة ريما أبودان بحصولها على زمالة بحث مع ناسا - الإدارة الوطنية للملاحة الفضائية والفضاء NASA شعبة جامعة أبردين في عام 1997 وكعضو سابق في فريق التحكيم لجائزة خليفة. كما شغلت الدكتورة ريما أبودان منصب المقيمّ الدولي في الرابطة الطبية البريطانية حين عملت على تقييم المستوى الأدائي اللغوي للأطباء الجدد في اسكتلندا.
حاليا، الدكتورة أبودان "باحث رئيسي" في منحة عالمية من "مؤسسة العلوم الوطنية" من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية جنبا إلى جنب مع "مختبرات ديفيد ماكنيل" الشهيرة؛ كما انها عضو بحثي مشارك مع البروفيسور Willibald والدكتور تريسي بلات من جامعة زيوريخ.
وتشغل الدكتورة ريما أبودان حاليا مركزمديرعام لمؤسسة دسلكسيا للإستشارات التعليمية وعسر قراءة، يمكن التواصل مع المركز عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني على AdminSupport@Uaedyslexia.com. وعن طريق الهاتف 0501394154.
Dyslexia for Educational Consultation (DECRR) is founded and owned by Dr Aboudan, an Applied Psycholinguist who obtained her PhD from the University of Sheffield , and MA from Edinburgh University, UK. Dr Aboudan is also an international Dyslexia Therapist and Trainer in Learning Difficulties, certified and licensed by Direct Learning, UK as well the Ministry of Higher Education in the United Arab Emirates.
Dr Aboudan is dedicated to helping others realize that dyslexia is a gift and that, with the right approach, they can conquer their learning difficulties and go on to reach their fullest potential. Dr Aboudan has a keen interest in cross-linguistic studies of dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties and their manifestations in Arabic. She is a Member of the International Dyslexia Association and an Editorial Board Member of English Language Teaching, the International Journal of Arts and Sciences, ESP World, Glossa, International Journal of English Linguistics and others. Dr. Aboudan’s publications appeared in international refereed journals including Semiotica, Education for General Practice, Academic Leadership Journal, International Journals of Arts and Sciences, Glossa, and others. Her research findings were presented in international conferences at Harvard University and in the universities of London, New York, Santa Barbara, Austria, Germany, and Turkey.
Dr Aboudan’s professional distinction won her a research fellowship from the NASA division of Aberdeen University in 1997. Dr Aboudan was also the psycholinguistic evaluator of patient-doctor consultations in Scotland and the British Medical Association. Currently, Dr Aboudan is a Principal Investigator, together with the David McNeill Labs, working on a National Science Foundation grant from the USA. Dr Aboudan is also a collaborator with Professor Willibald Ruch and Dr Tracy Platt of Zurich University.
Previously a member of the judging panel of Khalifa Award, Dr Aboudan is the founder and director of Dyslexia for Educational Consultation and Reading Rehabilitation, and can be reached by e-mail at AdminSupport@UAEdyslexia.com. and by telephone on (00971) 0501394154 .
Dr Rima Aboudan serves as the Chief Executive Director at Dyslexia for Educational Consultation, Al-Ain; and leads its day-to-day business. She has over 29 years of research and academic experience with national and international universities including the universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow in Scotland UK, Sheffield University in England, and New York University in Abu-Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates University. Dr Aboudan is affiliated with international associations dealing with learning difficulties including the Reading Success Lab in Massachusetts USA and Direct Learning/Dyslexia Action UK; and collaborates with the British Dyslexia Association, and the International Dyslexia Association. Dr Aboudan established Dyslexia for Educational Consultation in 2011 with a mandate to launch the first specialized diagnostic and remedial multisensory linguistic intervention service for dyslexia, ADHD, ADD, and other related learning difficulties in the UAE. For fourteen years, she has successfully led Dyslexia for Educational Consultation covering cognitive diagnoses of learning difficulties, screening and assessments of reading and written expression disorders, and providing holistic learning care consultations for customers with learning difficulties. Notably, she headed the team which structured and successfully placed the first speech and gesture research in the Gulf region with the McNeill Laps of Chicago University, Centre of Gesture and Speech Research. At the United Arab Emirates University, she held several senior positions including Assistant Dean of Students Affairs, and manager of the Honours Students Division. She also chaired the Student Services Division for several years. She is a Member of the British Psychological Society, the British Dyslexia Association, International Dyslexia Association, American Dyslexia Association, and serves on various editorial boards of refereed academic journals.